vrijdag 6 januari 2012


The circle of Vacation

Last week of school: Trying to work hard but give it up and think to yourself, Allright im quiet screwed but the problem is going to be fixed soon, im REALLY REALLY going to work my ass of during the vacation.

First day of vacation: Going home extremely happy and open facebook, See like a million ''AWYEAAH ITS HOLLIDAY'' messages, Boring...  

First week ended: Shit I actually didn't do anything except from sleeping, i should totally do some stuff with friends... Or for school, but i still have a week for that :D


End vacation:  Oeps, i should totally get some more selfdiscipline or something.

First two weeks of school:  WHY IS IT SOOOOOOOOO DIFFICULT?!!! i cant handle this by myself its too much im so sleepy,  and  ahum lazy. This is so not for me. My duty must be to become a filthy fat ugly homeless only sleeping and eating carbage , Right?  

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