maandag 2 juli 2012

Being a blogger is fun... They said...

If you are a starting blogger, and you feel like noone ever seriously reads your blog, you're probably right! -Anticlimax...-  
Its kind of sad, because secretly we're all imaginating People actually reading it and laughing out loud, since our stories are so Brightening and Ingenious, and furthermore INTERESTING
But the sad true , just some people have the succes of a popular blog with many subscribers...
So if you feel me, then I'll just telepathically connect and wish you good luck!

zondag 1 juli 2012

My own considerable Blackhole Theory

My theory on Blackholes

I greet you People! 
Today i was looking for a nice Facebookwallpaper and thought about a blackhole so I searched on ''Blackholes'' There were surprisingly many pictures, I have no idea if they were real photos or photoshopped, I dont even know if they exist anyways....

But lets just say the picture below is how a real blackhole would look like:
First thing i noticed was the brim of the hole, like a depth sucking up the universe, comparable with the bath sink if you pull out the stop -my English is terribly crappy, cus my mind is thinking too hard and its way too late, also Im thirsty but too lazy to go get some water, and im tired, Excuse me- BUT that would mean that the space where the planets and milkyways and stuff is floating in had to have some kind of texture where the blackhole would grasp itself on and pull and suck it with a great force.
So far as i know, its just you know... Nothing.... Especially not something I described.
That wouldnt even been possible, only if the space had a 2D edge, and than youre stucked with the Question  '' And what is it then that the Space is floating in ??? '' and than you get mad thinking about it or you find out and get kidnapped by aliens or the Mighty forces, in other words : You suddenly dissapear or die for Unknown cause.

I think we can now assume that blackholes with Edges are just Stupid mindfuckers.
Lets take a look at an other Possibility, How I think the stuff works!
Maybe the hole is just an illusion, and the black middle
is actually a black Planet?
If you ask me, I personally think blackholes arent really holes but they're just huge Black planets with a really really reaaaally strong abality to attract everything passing by, and then once it hits the planet it burns,  gets eaten by, or reacts with the planet, anyways it just dissapears in it.  Maybe it even grows everytime it ''eats'' something. That would also be more plausible since it would be seen from everyside like a 3D object.

So yeah thats actually it, no mindfucking impossible strange stuff but just a credible kind of Simple expaination for an untill now not explainable phenomenon.

*I know nothing about space and have done no research at all, this theory is based on no facts or scientifical proven things.

Just think about it... ;]
Bye, Louise

dinsdag 3 april 2012

And a bit of randomextract...

 This week we have this awesome easter/cultural/sports-Week at school.
It's a lot of fun, but i had to take a picture with the Theme : ''Trauma Ryfylke''
I had no idea what it meant (to be honest I still dont know how to pronounce it!), i even looked it up in the dictionairy but that didnt make wiser neither.
So we (me and my friend) decided to just let creativity and stuff do the work.
We actually began to find it very funny and kept on taking it less and less serious...
You are probably wondering why we even had to do this? Well i truly dont know!!!

However this is our Result :P

click to enlarge

the Setting: A sheep murdered a woman :O

Sunglasses, I kind of like this picture hahaha


zondag 4 maart 2012

Me Gusta foods

Hi people how are you doing?
I have vacation rightnow and thats awesome!
Because you have plenty of time for everything, like baking for example
If you want the recipe you can always ask for it in a comment :D

Pavlova with strawberries, Its an australian recipe, very easy but also very  interesting. Its basically merengue with whipped cream and strawberries.

scones :]
Cupcakes with 'blue'' frosting, I know the drawings are a bit stupid, but i was just experimenting ;]

Apfelstrudel, altough the dough totally collapsed and it looks looked like shit, It tasted delicious.

'' Donuts ''  my friend had a socalled 'donutmaker' but we didnt know how to make donutdough  so we  made them with  cakemix :O.  So yes, actually they're cakes.

Oh wait, as you might have seen, my bakings were not all very pretty 
but they tasted Awesoooome, so dont judge the outside ;] 
Thats the lesson.

zondag 22 januari 2012

Just GuitarDisaster #128689426

I really like playing the guitar altough im not that good at it..  At my moms i have this nice normal guitar I screwed up only once (by tuning it on bass-mode, and then one string exploded and left a huge scar on my hand...)
But lately, my dad just randomly bought me a secondhand guitar so that i could play at his place too. First I was very thankfull to him but after the first 5 minutes of playing out of the blue the first string exploded, so my dad went to the guitarshop and bought a new string, he fixed the guitar. But  then after maybe 2 secs another string randomly exploded too... 
So we decided to buy a whole new pack of strings and removed all the old strings. 
After a 2-hour Operation i was so glad i could finally play normal again we couldn't tune it well.
Whatever we did, the strings just sounded awfull.
And then when we were all getting a bit irritated of turning around all these little screws (I wouldn't know how you call it in english) the guitar ended up like this:

words of wisdom.

woensdag 11 januari 2012


Something just crossed my mind, when i looked at the clock and it was way too late, as usual.

There must be some kind of  disease being paranoid of time, right?
I mean if theres one thing that always irritates me by not acting how i would like it to, than its definately the Time...

c'mon when you think about it???   time is always chasing you - and you are chasing time-

sorry guys this post might have been alot more interesting if my english vocabulary was a bit bigger and my brains wouldnt be acting this weird.
Probably cause i didn't sleep LONG enough?  (see theres the time again, how pathetic)

vrijdag 6 januari 2012


The circle of Vacation

Last week of school: Trying to work hard but give it up and think to yourself, Allright im quiet screwed but the problem is going to be fixed soon, im REALLY REALLY going to work my ass of during the vacation.

First day of vacation: Going home extremely happy and open facebook, See like a million ''AWYEAAH ITS HOLLIDAY'' messages, Boring...  

First week ended: Shit I actually didn't do anything except from sleeping, i should totally do some stuff with friends... Or for school, but i still have a week for that :D


End vacation:  Oeps, i should totally get some more selfdiscipline or something.

First two weeks of school:  WHY IS IT SOOOOOOOOO DIFFICULT?!!! i cant handle this by myself its too much im so sleepy,  and  ahum lazy. This is so not for me. My duty must be to become a filthy fat ugly homeless only sleeping and eating carbage , Right?  

donderdag 5 januari 2012

The fun of ragecomics and memes

Hi everybody, I have to admit i'm kind of a huge 9gag addict, I could spend like all the day there haha. But im going to show you my own ragecomic *eyebrow wave

if yur a 9gager to and you want to see all my uploads and likes just look up: trololobster 
and if your'e not? BECOME ONE  :]